StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy



Le 24 février 2024 paraîtra mon livre, StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy, aux University of Michigan Press! C’est l’aboutissement d’un travail qui s’est amorcé en 2017. Je suis particulièrement fier de pouvoir vous montrer le résultat de ce travail de longue haleine sur un de mes jeux favoris.

StarCraft (Blizzard Entertainment, 1998) est un jeu de stratégie en temps réel où on incarne une de trois factions se combattant pour les ressources et le pouvoir sur différentes planètes. J’ai cherché à travers ce livre à montrer la transition qu’il permet entre ce que j’ai nommé le paradigme de décryptage — associé au jeu en solo — et le paradigme de prévision — associé au jeu compétitif en multijoueur. StarCraft n’a pas été conçu comme un sport électronique mais l’est devenu à travers le travail de communautés qui y ont vu un potentiel et l’ont institutionnalisé notamment en Corée du Sud.

Le livre est disponible en pré-commande: University of Michigan Press | Chapters Indigo | Amazon [CA/FR/US]

Table des matières

  • Introduction
  • Decoding and Foreseeing
  • A Distinct Purity of Form
  • No Rush
  • Path of Ascension
  • A Distinct Purity of Essence
  • Conclusion: The Legacy of StarCraft


Je suis particulièrement fier de lire quatre chercheur-se-s que j’admire et respecte énormément endosser le livre:

« This book is poised to make a significant contribution to the history of games, and the study of the social and cultural dimensions of games and gaming. The distinction of decoding and foreseeing playstyles is valuable for its recognition of how play defines games, both in terms of circulating and establishing a particular set of social uses and as it impacts the continued development of a game and franchise. »

— Gerald Voorhees, University of Waterloo

“Dor effectively highlights StarCraft’s complex and longstanding competitive gameplay landscape, emphasizing timing, anticipation, habits, power, and control within its multifaceted play cultures. Each chapter gleams with the essential minerals of early e-sports, offering invaluable insights and historical gems about game design and the vibrant game cultures that accompanied StarCraft’s ascent as a premier online multiplayer strategy game.”

— Emma Witkowski, RMIT University 

“Simon Dor’s love for the game comes through every page of StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy. Dor takes special care to push back on a singular historical account of this landmark game, and show the ways StarCraft has played an important role through multiple cultural touchpoints and references, including his own. The book is a treat to read, weaving together the rich histories surrounding StarCraft and, very importantly, what the game’s legacy has come to mean worldwide. This work is sure to both edify and delight those who study games and longtime StarCraft enthusiasts alike.” 

— Florence M. Chee, Loyola University Chicago, author of Digital Game Culture in Korea: The Social at Play

« Blizzard’s Starcraft has, since its launch in 1998, been bedeviled by a split assessment as both the ultimate game in the real-time strategy genre and as a derivative of earlier games. Simon Dor embraces this division by characterizing Starcraft’s significance as transitional on many levels. We learn from his deep analysis of the move from solo to multiplayer gaming, the origins of e-sports, the rise of South Korea as a competitive gaming powerhouse, and players as a creative force in a complex, emerging gaming ecosystem. This list of topics demonstrates that this now 25-year-old game is still very relevant for game studies. »

— Henry Lowood, Stanford University Libraries

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4 réponses à “StarCraft: Legacy of the Real-Time Strategy”

  1. Avatar de Guillaume Lajeunesse

    Toutes mes félicitations! 🙂

  2. Avatar de Simon Dor

    Merci beaucoup Guillaume!

  3. Avatar de Patrick Plante

    Bravo Simon. J’ai hâte de lire ton livre. Il est déjà en précommande! Starcaft, c’est une partie de ma jeunesse 😉

  4. Avatar de Simon Dor

    Merci Patrick! Tu m’en donneras des nouvelles! 🙂

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